Sunday, July 12, 2015

New Driftwood 1.6 - An Unexpected Surprise

Dear Readers, Laura and I had a surprise this week.  However more about that in a moment.

Kenya Peshterianu
Family - Marry off 6 Children
2 Ck, 5 Mech, 3 Char, 6 Bod, 4 Log, 1 Creat, 10 Cln
Cancer, 0 Badges

By now we all know what a scene captured like this means!  We have such a vast range of surnames in our little neighborhood!  I will be so happy to see some family members located!

Kenya began working immediately after moving into the duplex shared with Lauren Monif.  Lauren welcomed her to the building as soon as Kenya returned from work.

We are also having a problem with our nanny service.  It would seem that they don't want to leave when their shift is up and show up when not needed.  Laura and I are somewhat confused as to what to do about it.  We love the fact that they are coming over so that we can share our story with them, but it's also costing us simoleons!  

Braylin is doing her part for the cause as well!  She's too young right now to offer a home to our service friends, however she's begun developing a friendship with our new newspaper boy!  She has another little friend that she talks on the phone with at all hours of the day.  I shared with Lauren my concerns about her talking on the phone so much, but she just smiled and told me to get used to it.  It was only the beginning!

Lauren has been so focused on her career, and I on our cause.  Braylin is about to become a teenager and time just seems to be passing by without our noticing!  It won't be long and we'll be soon retiring from our perspective jobs and Braylin will be taking over our mission.

One evening as I was watching the stars, Lauren was feeling uneasy and started puttering around the yard.  I didn't take much notice.  Lauren will work on her little garden when she's not focusing on her studies for her job.  We were nearing the end of Fall so I assumed she was just working on getting her Fall harvest done.  She'd mentioned getting some canning and freezing done the other night, so I shrugged it off.  She doesn't normally choose the middle of the night to work on this, however with her work schedule these days, she hasn't much choice but to work on it when she can.

Suddenly, though, she switched over to her swim suit and jumped into our pool!  Now, if this were the middle of summer I would have thought nothing of it.  It is very chilly out though.  Swimming in our outdoor pool is probably not an activity meant for this time of year unless it were unseasonably warm!  Then suddenly, THIS!!

We are still in shock!  Of course we know how these things happen, however we were confident we were being cautious!  Braylin was meant to be our heir, now we have another little one on the way!  We have not talked with Braylin about this as of yet, she's been so excited about taking over as heir that we don't know how to approach her with this.  She's always loved other children and babies, so we are certain she'll love her new little brother or sister, however we were not expecting to add to our family.  Especially at this time of our lives!  

Lauren and I were talking the other night, discussing how we would introduce this news to Braylin when she suddenly had this look cross her face.  "Adam, what if it's twins?!".....

Editors Note:
I had not played this family in so long that when the camera suddenly zoomed in on Lauren, I very outwardly groaned!  I can only imagine what I was thinking back however many years ago that I stopped playing!  Well, wish me luck on creativity!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that must have really come very unexpected! Indeed - what if it's twins... :-)
    It's been so long since I've had a nanny in my game that I can't remember what I did when the "nanny bug" occurred. Maybe I simply used move_objects on to delete them when they weren't needed but wouldn't go home.
